Every now and then, I get a bit too far down the rabbit hole.
I dig in and get so deep into tasks and projects that I forget to stop and catch my breath. Forget to grab one of those deep and cleansing breaths that resets your heart and head. You know, the one that reminds you that there is life beyond your current task.
If you're like me and "lose your place" sometimes, I strongly recommend that you get a traveling buddy. A traveling buddy is a person who transcends your mood and focus to get you thinking right again. The trust mark has to be high since they have the right to call you out or step in to save you from yourself. They often serve as "another set of eyes", adding a valued opinion or much needed perspective.
Mick Winters runs point for me. Enough like me to know where I'm coming from. Different enough to see another path. An hour of conversation clears my head and challenges me to step up and get out of my rut. Redskins, Raiders, marketing, books, clients, challenges... whatever. All fair game, all uncensored. Reminds me of why I do what I do. Reminds me to love the game.
Thanks Mick!
So today's task is to find a traveling buddy. No one can carry the full load. Even the most talented entrepreneurs have confidants and advisors. It's not your full team of advisors or your Board of Directors. It's a single voice of reason.
Catch your breath. Clear your head. Think clearly.